• WT connection


    Please give us additional information about what this WT piece, and to what beam to column connection are they referring.

    Dumitru Berteanu.

  • How can i fillet circular hollow section in X, Y & Z plane?


    Autocad's command : Fillet is not supported on 3D polylines.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Tie Beam


    Please detail the cases where the filler beam expression is used, in order to compare to our use of the Tie Beam in Advance Steel.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Lot/Phase Option


    To detail the lot phases in a desired sequence, you can use processes or drawing style based on selection, and have the lot phases preselected as required. In order to select a lot phase, you can use the Advance Steel command : Search filter (_AstM4CommModelSelectio), go to Properties / Lot-Phase. After the selection is done, use the drawing style/process. Then set another lot phase, and repeat the detailing procedure.

    Dumitru Berteanu.
  • How can create a pdf 3d file in Advance Steel?


    Advance Steel can export only 2d pdf files from the detail drawings, using the plot function from Autocad or print feature available in Document Manager. In order to export a 3d representation from an Advance Steel model, please use the 3DDWF format, accessible by using the command : 3ddwf.

    Dumitru Berteanu.
  • Changing the nut and washer diameter size


    In the "Bolt assembly" tab you can see two boxes where you can add washers and nuts to the bolt assembly, or edit the current ones. To edit them, please double-click on the name "Washer 1", "Nut 1" etc to open the properties dialog. Here, you will have avaliable all the nuts or washers for the respective bolt diameter. After you make the modification, the bolt assembly needs to be saved using the button : "Save in database".

  • Changing the nut and washer diameter size


    The bolt assemblies can be modified from : Management Tools / Bolt Editor / Bolt Assembly.
    From there you can modify the nut and washer types for each bolt assembly. After the modification is done, saved and database reload in Advance Steel, you need to refresh the bolt assembly in order to see the modifications (you can refresh it by entering its dialog, and change to another dimension then change back).

  • Autocad 2011 compatibility with Advance Steel 2010

    The checkings have been performed for Advance Steel 2010 and Advance Concrete 2010 compatibility with AutoCAD 2011 and we will be back to announce the full compatibility shortly.


  • How to configure the single part mark format


    The assembly group Post number method gives to the single part elements the main part mark, at which its add the Single part prefix and a counter to avoid having two different elements numbered the same. The behaviour described is the correct one.
    If you want to number the single parts independent of the main part mark, you need to not use any Post number method (set in on "None") and adjust the start number and increment to match the desired numbering results.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Clevises & Turnbackles US version


    Thanks for the request, your Support Team in North America at Graitec Inc. is managing the feature requests for North America.

    Please contact them to see what priority they have for this request.


    Dumitru Berteanu.

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