• Sectiune fara sa se vada alte elemente



    Pentrua obtine o vedere de sus sau o sectiune mai “curata”, este nevoie sa modificatistilul de detaliere folosit si sa eliminati setarile care fac ca hasura saucotele sa apara, etc. in detaliul dumneavoastra. Pentru modificarea stilului dedetaliere :

    -         DeschidetiGestionarul de stiluri de detaliere.

    -         Mergetila stilul dumneavoastra.

    -         Accestatiuna din vederile existene, in care doriti sa faceti modificarea (De exempluIntersectii Alegere S, Jos 1:10 ID) si mergeti in “Prezentare obiecte”.

    -         Aicifaceti modificarile necesare, de exemplu :

    ·        Modificatipresentarea pentru Pp – Profil intr-o prezentare care nu continue cuvintele :“Hasura” si “Ascuns”.

    ·        Eliminatietichetele, daca este nevoie

    ·        Stergetio prezentare de obiecte care nu este necesara : de exemplu PlAt – placiatasate.

    -         Dacadoriti sa stergeti si din cotele pusa manual in aceasta vedere, mergeti insectiunea Dimensiuni din vedere in care se realizeaza modificarile, si stergeticotele care nu sunt necesare.

    Incazul in care plansa a fost realizata deja, este nevoie sa folositi din noustilul modificat asupra plansei existente, pentru ca modificarile realizate safie luate in considerare.

    Dacadoriti modificarea unui stil folosit de optiunea de creere de vedere/sectiunimanuale, este nevoie sa modificati vederea folosita de vederea manual printr-unstil existent, deoarece aceste stiluri nu pot fi accesate direct in Gestionarulde stiluri de detaliere

    -         inGestionarul de stiluri de detaliere creati un stil nou (un stil temporar,necesar doar pentru a face aceasta modificare), si alegeti o vedere dincategoria : Detaliu intersectie

    -         Modificativederea similar ca in cazul stilului de detaliere.

    -         Salvati.Puteti sa stergeti stilul de detaliere, deoarece modificarile facute vederiivor ramane.

    Apo,in momentul in care realizati o sectiune manuala, alegeti optiunea Lista vederi(tasta L) si din categoria Utilizator / Detaliu Intersectie, selectati vedereamodificata anterior.

    Amatasat un mic filmulet in care prezint etapele necesare acestor douamodificari.

    Fişier ataşat: config.wmv

  • ADVANCE Steel 2011 not working with AutoCAD 2008


    Go on the Graitec 2011 installation DVD in the folder : Prerequisites and install the followings applications, in the mentioned order  :
    - vcredist_x64.exe -> vcredist_x64_sp1.exe -> vcredist_2008sp1_x64.exe (if the operating system is on 64bit)
    - vcredist_x86.exe -> vcredist_x86_sp1.exe -> vcredist_2008sp1_x86.exe (if the operating system is on 32bit).
    Also install Service Pack 1 for Advance Steel 2011 which can be found at the following adress : http://www.graitec.com/en/download.asp?ProductID=2

    If this doesn't solve the problem, please send more details about the problem : when does it appear and what error message appears.
  • How can I get a detailed view from a specific section of main drawing .same as the attached file


    This type of view can be obtained by using a node drawing style in the model, after setting the UCS with the Z axis in the direction of view. The node drawing styles will allow you to choose with the help of a pickbox the area of the model that is needed for detailing. Please see the attached picture for the location of the node drawing styles inside Quick Documents.The various drawing styles avaliable will display or not certain elements in the view (like hidden lines for the objects, labels or gratings).

    Dumitru Berteanu

    Attachment: nodeDS_0.jpg

  • Model Role - Tickbox


    The role of that checkbox(as of any checkboxes attached to various parameters you can set for an object in the Naming tab) is related to the numbering, and tell AS if to ignore or not that parameter when its doing the identical part detection.
    For example, you have two identical beams. You assigned the model role "Beam" to one, and "Rafter" to the other one.
    If the checkbox is not checked, then when you do the numbering the two beams will get the same Sp mark. The two objects will still have a different model object, which will influence various operations that require a model role filter, but from the numbering point of view , the two objects will be the same (so for example you'll get one single part drawing from it, with the quanitity 2x)
    If the checkbox is checked, the the two beams will get different part marks. Even if they are identical from the geometric point of view, due to this different model role combined with the checkbox, AS will treat them as different objects.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Is it possible to have the preset camera views transferred to a layout?


    The fact that the other two camera views are not using the manual label modification made in the "Drawing type" dialog is a problem which I've send to the dev. team for further investigation. As you already mention, for a workaround if you want to avoid the drawing style modification, you'll need to detail the cameras individually so the setting will be used for each one.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Is it possible to have the preset camera views transferred to a layout?


    Detailing cameras with style from drawing style manager is similar to detailing single part objects, you just need to :
    - have the drawing styel configured with "Selection set" (see attached picture).
    - select the camera when asked by the detailing procedure.

    Dumitru Berteanu

    Attachment: selectionset_0.jpg

  • Camera's


    In order to detail a camera using a drawing style directly from Drawing Style Manager, you need to make sure the respective drawing style is set on : Selection set in the "Model objects selection" tab. See attached picture for the location of this drawing style configuration option.

    Dumitru Berteanu

    Attachment: selectcamera_0.jpg

  • Unable to access Joint properties dialog


    The joint dialogs can't be accesed cause they are on the Standard layer, which in your model is locked.
    In order to unlock it :
    - go to the "Layer" dialog (Autocad option) by typing : "layer".
    - in the list, search for the layer called : Standard.
    - click on the small yellow lock located on the "Lock" column to unlock it.
    - close this dialog.
    Now the joints should be accesible for editing by entering the joint Advance properties.

    Dumitru Berteanu 
  • Unable to access Joint properties dialog


    We're investigating why the joint dialogs which exist in the model but  they can't be accessed, and we'll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Advance Steel 2011 Conflict


    Please send us the AS 2010 .DWT file which was generating problems.

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