
When a drawing is updated with revision, we have the option to mark the revision changes with clouds around the objects that were modified in the model. In addition to the revision marking of the modified object, we are also able to display the revision around dimension lines and labels which change their content during update.

The revision representation made to the dimension lines and labels can be controlled with a default value from Graitec Advance Manager / Defaults, called: "Option to show revision changes for dimensions/labels with clouds or different color", which is found in the "Revision control/General" category.

How is the revision mark representation controlled

The default settings for the dimension/labels revision markings representation can be grouped in two categories, as follows:

A) All with clouds / All with different color. On this setting, both dimensions and labels have the same revision marking: either a revision cloud or a different color.

How is the revision mark representation controlled

How is the revision mark representation controlled

B) Dimensions with clouds, labels with different color / Dimensions with different color, labels with clouds. With these settings we can get a different marking on the labels and dimension texts.

How is the revision mark representation controlled

The revision cloud on the modified object is controlled by the default: "Revision control cloud marking method" which is also found in the "Revision control/General" category.

How is the revision mark representation controlled

With the first option the modified object will always get a revision cloud, while the label will be marked only if the content was changed (for example if the label contains the object length and it gets changed in the model, otherwise if the label contains only the part mark and this does not get changed, the label will remain unmarked for revision).

How is the revision mark representation controlled

The second setting will eliminate any type of marking on the label (even if the content is changed), while the object will still get a revision cloud.
Last option will eliminate the revision cloud on the modified object, but the label will get marked even when the content is not changed.

How is the revision mark representation controlled