• Automatic symbol for hidden element


    There is a default value that controls the visibility for labels on hidden objects.
    The default is called "Enable annotation of hidden objects" and can be found in GAM / Defaults / Drawing - Labeling.
  • AdvanceSteel Special Parts in Assembly


    Yes, special parts can be attached to assemblies and detailed on Main Part drawings.
    To can attach the special parts through welds to the assembly, and then use the main part drawing styles ( For example the Tie Beam assembly styles from English International installation) to detail them.
  • how to create custom connection from other template connection


    A feature request to improve the current User Connection interface and functionality already exists and it will be available in a Future Release.
  • Drawing Number Issue


    Currently the drawing number for a created drawing can't be modified by the user (the rename in Document manager changes only the dwg name for a drawing, and not its internal drawing number). We have a Feature Request already in place to implement an option that will allow the user to change this number, which will be available in a future release.
    You have two possibilities  to workaround the situation explained below :
    A) Because the drawing number is only an internal mark, the dwg name can choose without affecting the drawing number. So if your case you modified the dwg name for E1 to EX, when you try to create another drawing with the name E1 just choose the internal number 2, and then E1 for the dwg name (when creating a drawing with DSM, the drawing name and drawing number fields are different and not related - you can modify them individually).
    B) You can change the drawing number with the following workflow:
    - De-register the E1 drawing.
    - Create a new drawing that will take the 1 drawing number (when a drawing is de-registered, its drawing number is also removed from the model evidence)
    - Register back the E1 drawing -> AS will pop up a dialog mentioning that the 1 drawing number is already used (by the second drawing created with this drawing number, from point 2), and you will be asked to give a new drawing number (unique) to the drawing before registering.

  • General arrangement drawings user modifications


    The "General" category highlighted in the screenshot is an empty category, with no drawing styles in it. To obtain a General arrangement drawing we recommend using one of the available styles from the "View" category.
  • Error Service Pack 5 AS2010 not installed


    From the picture I see that the patch didn't fully download on your harddrive, as it only shows and 88mb file while the AS 2010 Sp5 patch has 175Mb (also shown on the download page). On my side the patch downloads correctly, all 175Mb. Please check your internet explorer or other browser used to download the patch, and also try to use a download manager application to avoid any internet issues that may appear during download that stops the procedure.
  • how to create custom connection from other template connection


    To create an user connection you can use the "Connection template" feature, which allows you to model a specific joint and then insert in the model on existing supporting beams, similar to how a normal joint is created.
    Information can be found in the User Guide at page 94 : http://www.graitec.info/Common/Downloads/Documentation/AS-User-guide-2012-EN-Metric.pdf
    The workflow to craete and use a generic beam-rafter user connexction is the following :
    - in a new dwg you model all the plates, welds, bolts that form the connection between the column and the rafter, including the support beams.
    - you set the UCS in a position that is easy to set when inserting it in the model, like for the example the intersection of the system axis
    - create the connection template with the steps mentioned in the User guide. Note that the objects that you need to select are all the plates, features, bolts, welds. The supporting beams (column and rafter in this case) do not need to be included in the selection!
    - in the model you set the UCS in the preset position (as mentioned before, a good position would be the intersection of the beams system axis) and insert the joint. The connection will add all the features to the supporting beams, cutting them, together with the other new elements (plates, welds, bolts).
    - to help you identifying the support beams, use model roles. When inserting the joint in the model, the interface will ask you to select Beam 1, Beam 2 etc, and if those beams don't have model roles you will not know what beam exactly needs to be selected.

    Connections inserted by this features are not interactive, and they don't have a joint dialog, therefore you can't use the copy joint function to copy them in the model. Instead you can use the Advance Copy feature, as follows :
    - make sure that all the objects created by the connection template (including the features) are visible in the model
    - open Advance Copy (_ASTransformAndConnect, located on the Advance - Tools toolbar)
    - Use "Select objects" to select all the objects that are part of the connection (features, bolts, welds, plates etc)
    - Check "Include additional connections"
    - take a reference distance, for example the distance between the supporting beams system axis

  • Creating a compound beam in AS 2012 used on the top of AutoCAD Civil 2012


    Advance Steel 2012 offers full compatibility only with AutoCAD and AutoCAD Arhitecture (2010,2011 and 2012) versions, while on unsupported platforms certain defects may appear. We will investigate the problem reported on the Civil 3D 2012 platform and get back with an answer as soon as possible.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Issue when trying to download and install the trial 2012 version...

    Graitec Advance 2012 Trial version and Full version can be installed on 32bit and 64bit alike, without any restrictions. The problem in this case may appear from the impossibility to read the executable file, or the file being corrupt due to incomplete download or fail dvd burn. Please re-download the file and install the image while having it mounted in a Image reader software, like Deamon tools, and avoid using the DVD-Drive. 
  • AISC Square bar


    Those profiles are very old in the AS database, and I couldn't find any initialdocumenation to explain the RV annotation. You can change the translation on the USEnglish column which matches the US installation, from the database/table mentioned in the previous post.

    Dumitru Berteanu       
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