• User Drawing all Camera

    To obtain this information you need to modify the drawing style used by the camera process, and add labels for those object presentation. This edit is done from Drawing Style Manager, but beforing going there, you need to identify the drawing style used by the camera process.

    - Open Drawing process manager, and search for camera process used inside the User category (modifications can be done only in this category).

    - In the "Drawing styles" category of the process, click on the "Properties" button to open the Detail style map configuration.

    - Here you will see a line in the column "Drawing style" with the name of the style you need to modify.

    - Now open Drawing style manager and search for the style noted above, also in the User category.

    - In the Object Presentation category, add label strategies to the objects you mentioned : bolts, plates, or modify existing label settings for the objects that don't display the full information.

    - Save the Style and the process. Then make sure to use the Camera process from the "User" cateogry when creating your drawings, to make sure the modifications are taken into consideration.

  • Erection diagram mark locations

    End plate views are normally placed at the left/right end of the beam (or top/bottom for column drawing styles, where the main part is detailed vertically). This behaviour can't be modified, and the end plate views will always be placed at the left/right end, with an orientation that matches the main part orientation in the front view.

    Please attach more information about the requested orientation of those views in your case.

  • Hole patterns showing where they shouldn't be.....

    If the bolt/hole presentation is set to Symbol or system, then you will obtain it outside the main contour of the detail object if the modeling leads it there, without an option to "Split" it. To obtain the correct result in this case, you will need to split the bolt pattern with the "Split bolt group" command (_AstM4CommSeparateScrews )
  • E Sheets/General Arrangement Drawings Not Working/Generating Correctly

    Please send us the model you are trying to detail, and also mention the style used and the Advance Steel + CAD versions.
    If the issue appears on AS 2012 with Advance CAD, then it was a known defect which was fixed in Advance Steel 2013 with the introduction of 64bit platform  .
    The workaround for this case is to turn off the Bolt, Hole and Anchor presentation from the style. 
  • AS 2013 ribbon problem

    I've attached a screeshot with how AS 2013 looks on AutoCAD. You can see the three ribbons specific to AS loaded (and highlighted with red), and the Graitec tool palette.

    To fix the AutoCAD cui file and avoid loading multiple and unnecessary ribbons loaded, you can aslo run a cui reset from the Customise User Interface dialog (_Cui) while AutoCAD is started alone, without AS.

    Attachment: autocad2013_AS2013_0.jpg

  • Assembly Part Name and Number

    Part marks in Advance Steel, for both SP and MP, can only be numbers, and not letters, which can be used only for prefixes.
    When you number the model with "With drawing number" rules for post-numbering, and also use the correct workflow to number and obtain the drawings, then the part marks will contain the drawing number and a counter showing their position on the drawing automatically.
    @Stanislav Rachinsky : If numbering is not done for assembly, then the "Assembly" box in the numbering dialog is not checked, or the object is removed from assembly numbering (this option can be found in the object properties / Behaviour tab). If the issue is still not fixed, then please send us the model you try to number, and also mention the numbering rules configured in the dialog.
  • The same parts give the different part number

    The CAD commands copy, move, mirror work with Advance objects, but you may hit limitations when you try to copy/move etc. a group of objects (like two beams, or a beam with bolts), case in which the relative position between the Advance object may change. For those cases we always recommend to use the Advance Copy command (available on the Advance Steel ToolPalette) to be used when modifying the position of Advance objects.
  • Single parts in main part drawing

    When creating drawings with a main part drawing style like the "Column front,left, right" style, you will only obtain assembly drawings for the objects. To get single parts drawings as well, you have to use a single part style as well.

    Both assembly and single part drawings can be obtained automatically if you use a process instead, expecially those that mention : with attached parts in the name (the are found in the "Assembly" category inside Drawing process manager).


  • Drawing Processes and Document manager manual or guide

    You can find a Drawing Style Manager guide on the Graitec Advantages, under the "Documentation" category : http://www.graitec.info/Common/Downloads/Documentation/AS-DSM-guide-2012-EN.pdf
  • Error received when using clip connection

    The error appears if a joint component that handles the joint controller was not correctly registered in your OS. If the issue still appears, please try to run an Advance Steel re installation on the computer.
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