Posted Wed, 08 May 2013 10:37:49 GMT by Drafting

·  Part mark: BB-13 (see attachment)

·  Manual weight calculation (opening considered): 115.3 kg

·  Manual weight calculation (opening not considered): 138 kg

·  Advance Steel calculation: 203.92 kg (in excess of 65 kg) 

Posted Wed, 08 May 2013 11:25:52 GMT by Sorin Bularca Graitec ROMANIA

The value of the weight is different in lists based on a defaultsetting, that can switch the weight calculation from the exact value (thattakes all the inner contours into consideration) - a value that is usually thesmallest one, up to a raw value of the smallest rectangular plate that includesyour plate, case in which the value is the largest you can get.

The default is called : "Calculation rule for plate areaand extension", found in Structured BOM/NC / General category.

In your case the value is set on "rubber banding".This is a special setting, in which :

- the inner contours are not considered

- the outer contour used to calculate the weight doesn’t 't haveany 90 degree corners. If you have a 90 degree corner, the rule creates an edgethat eliminates that corner, at 45 degree starting from the other end point ofthe shortest edge that enter the 90 degree angle.


I've attached a small dwg file in which I explain how each rulework. As you can see in the rubber banding case, I've kept the original contourwith a dash line (Grey), and on top of it you have the red plate thatapproximates the plate contour. If you calculate its weight, you will get 165Kg(note that I've also approximated the plate to give a rough idea how themechanism work. The plate I've made is not 100% correct).


We hope that thiswill answer your question. If you have any further questions, please don’thesitate to contact us.

Posted Wed, 08 May 2013 11:30:51 GMT by Sorin Bularca Graitec ROMANIA
Attachment file

Attachment: default_explination_0.rar

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