
Aside from its many instruments and commands for enhancing and smoothing the working experience, GRAITEC’s most recent version of PowerPack for Revit also includes a feature for speeding up the creation process, called Element Lookup.



Element Lookup allows for searching throughout the project database in a timely manner. It uses a set of multiple customized queries from available parameters. The feature can search for walls, beams, windows, ceiling finishes, as well as thermal conductivity, the materials of various objects, heat load values and so on.


It can be used in a number of situations, including for isolating certain elements or making all sorts of modifications. Multiple configurations can be made and saved within the project.



Configure search filters and options

Element Lookup is designed to search for elements in the entire Project, Current View or through a previously assigned Selection.


Because Revit projects can be quite complex and include a high number of items, Element Lookup allows for the selection and configuration of filters and parameters.


An unlimited number of conditions can be added to a search operation, and the list of all elements can be accessed from the dropdown menu. By default, all types of parameters are enabled and the list of elements can be filtered by disabling parameters with one simple click.



Types of elements

Element Lookup’s built-in filters are the main tools for increasing productivity, as they offer the possibility to easily pull up certain elements from the project or from a certain selection. All element categories are arranged alphabetically and there’s the option to simply type in part of the element’s name.


The dropdown menu specifies the type of element values, either integer, number, string, boolean and others. The list of elements can be filtered using shortcuts at the bottom of the dropdown menu, offering the option to only display built-in, user defined, string, number, integer, yes/no or element-based parameters.


Depending on the selected element type, Graitec PowerPack can be instructed to search for specific parameters in a certain interval. It’s also worth mentioning that the unit of measurement is automatically added to the parameter field.


Element Lookup can also be used to find objects in a model thanks to the IdGtcParameter or the mark number.



Isolate certain elements within the model

The batch search is performed instantly and results are displayed into multiple categories, showing details about the element’s ID, category, mark and other parameters. In addition, batch selection of search results is available.


Element Lookup also comes with a feature for identifying and isolating specific elements in the Revit model, making it easy to modify or change certain parameters. When selecting a certain element from the results list, PowerPack for Revit automatically pulls up the element’s Property list.


Advanced research queries can be performed on a 3D model by combining multiple queries into clauses with logical operators.