
Every time Advance Concrete is used in multiuser mode, a database is created. But how is this database copied to another computer?

First, launch "SQL Server Management Studio Express" on the computer where the original database was created. Expand the "Databases" directory and open the properties dialog of the database to copy.

How is a multiuser database copied from one computer to another?

In the properties dialog box select the "Files" page. On this page you can see the path where the files are saved and their names.

How is a multiuser database copied from one computer to another?

Next go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA", copy both files (e.g. "test.mdf" and "test.ldf") and paste them on the target computer. Note that the files must be pasted on a hard disk drive partition (but not on the desktop).

Next, launch "SQL Server Management Studio Express" on the computer with the copied files, right click on the "Database" folder, choose to attach a file, select the mdf file and click OK.

How is a multiuser database copied from one computer to another?

How is a multiuser database copied from one computer to another?

The database can be used on the target computer.

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