
The local sections for walls are created using the same steps as for the local sections for beams, previously presented in the FAQ "How are local sections for beams created in Advance Concrete?".
In order to create local sections for walls you need to add some settings in the Definition category. After you choose the view in which to create the local sections and the local sections' positions, you can choose the element representation limits (upper and lower) in the local section.

How are local sections for walls created in Advance Concrete

These limits can be defined according to three parameters, Relative to the element, Relative to the level and Relative to the "0" level of the building.

In the Relative to the element representation, the upper limit (h2) means that the visible part of the local section is positioned above the selected element (in this case the wall).
The lower limit (h1) means that the visible part of the local section is positioned below the selected element (in this case the wall).
Generally speaking, in order to obtain a more explicit and easy to read plan view, the lower limit (h1) must have a negative value. Otherwise, the local section will include all wall heights plus the two limits. You can see a schematic example with these limits and the result of using them in the following figures.

How are local sections for walls created in Advance Concrete

How are local sections for walls created in Advance Concrete

This way you can create plan views with local sections more explicit and easy to read.

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