
For every structural element, Advance Concrete assigns a specific name formed by a suffix, a separator, and a prefix. If we draw a beam, Advance Concrete will name it "B 1", a column will be named "C 1" etc.

How are  structural elements automatically renamed

All the structural elements can be automatically renamed in a specific way by using "Elements single identification" or "Elements multiple identification" on the "Advance Tools" toolbar.

First, rename all the 1st floor beams from B 1, B 2, etc. to B 1st-1, B 1st-2 by clicking "Elements single identification" on the "Advance Tools" toolbar.

How are  structural elements automatically renamed

Enter a prefix, a separator, and a suffix.

How are  structural elements automatically renamed

In the 'prefix', 'separator', and 'suffix' fields enter any name or group of characters. If you check "Suffix increment" the suffix will increment by the set value. After all the suitable changes are made, select the beams in the desired order. Repeat these steps to rename any structural element.

How are  structural elements automatically renamed

If you use "Elements multiple identification" on the "Advance Tools" toolbar, you will be able to select and rename all the structural elements from a drawing and you can select the direction of the renaming.

How are  structural elements automatically renamed

If reinforcement drawings were done for some beams before renaming them, the reinforcement drawing name will change from "B 1" to "B 1st-1", only if the drawing was not manually renamed.

How are  structural elements automatically renamed

As you can see, beam name B 9 was manually modified before the automatic renaming and it stays the same, while the other names were edited.

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