
Very often, in normal Advance Design practice, a large number of load combinations are generated. The same thing can happen using the Advance Design Steel Connection module. The full calculation report can become very long and hard to follow. To make the calculation report easier to comprehend the following report types were created:

1- Detailed
2- Simplified
3- Detailed for failed checks only
4- None
5- For all load cases

To better understand the utility of each report type, it will be exemplified for a "Advance Design Steel Connection" joint, defined in Advance Design and calculated using the Advance Design Steel Connection module:

How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?

In Advance Design, for this structure, the following were defined: the dead load, three live load cases and the wind load cases. Using these load cases, 43 load combinations were automatically defined. After the structure was analyzed in Advance Design, the connection is selected and exported to the Advance Design Steel Connection module.

In the joint properties page from the Advance Design Steel Connection module, the imported load combinations are listed in the "Forces" window:

How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?

The report type is chosen from the "Settings" window from the "Joint design" page using the "Display options" option.

How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?

The "For all load cases" report type is used to generate complete calculation details for each load combination. For each verification, the following information is presented: the verification name, the verification condition, the analytical formula, the numeric formula, the verification result, the work ratio of the verified element ant the verification conclusion.

How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?

The "None" report type presents a single complete set of verifications for all load cases. Each verification will be displayed only for the load case that produces the work ratio percent. Each verification will display: the verification name, the work ratio of the verified element and the verification conclusion: "OK" or "Failed".

How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?

The "Detailed for failed checks only" report type displays one complete set of verifications for all load cases. Each verification will display: the verification name, the work ratio of the verified element and the verification conclusion: "OK"; except for the failed verifications that are displayed completely with: the verification name, the verification condition, the analytical formula, the numeric formula, the verification result, the work ratio of the verified element and the verification conclusion: "Failed".

How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?

The "Simplified" report type also displays only one complete set of verifications for all the load cases. The displayed verifications are the ones corresponding to the load case that resulted the work ratio. For each verification the following information is displayed: the verification name, the analytical formula, the work ratio of the verified element and the verification conclusion.

How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?

The "Detailed" report type displays a complete set of verifications for all the load cases. The verifications are displayed completely with: the verification name, the verification condition, the analytical formula, the numeric formula, the verification result, the work ratio of the verified element ant the verification conclusion.

How can different types of calculation reports be generated in Advance Design Steel Connection?

The connection must be recalculated after the report type is changed.