
Starting with Advance Design 2012, efforts on linear element can be displayed at a certain distance from its extremities. For example, we can display the values of bending moments and shear forces on beams calculated at the face of the columns.

Distances from the element extremities can be calculated automatically by the software or they can be manually set by the user. For example we consider a concrete frame (Figure 2) which is part of the structure shown in Figure 1.

How are clipped results displayed?                      How are clipped results displayed?

Figure 1. 3D view of the structure
Figure 2. The analyzed frame

How are clipped results displayed?
Figure 3. Activate the "Clipping" option

Activate the option "Clipping" (Figure 3), from the properties list of the selected beams. For this example, we will choose the automatic calculation of the clipping distance, from the end point of the beam to the face of the column.

Note: By choosing the "Imposed" option, the user can impose the clipping distance from the element extremities (depending on the plane (x,z) or (x,y) – related to the local axis of the selected element) where the diagram results are displayed.

How are clipped results displayed?
Figure 4. Bending moment diagram in beams

How are clipped results displayed?

Figure 5. Bending moment diagram in node "i"

How are clipped results displayed?                            How are clipped results displayed?

Figure 6. Shear force diagram in beams
Figure 7. Shear force diagram in node "i"

Note: The results can be displayed with or without taking the defined clipping distances into account. The option is available in the "Results settings" dialog box (Figure 8).

How are clipped results displayed?
Figure 8. Display the clipped results option