
Structural elements (e.g., walls, columns, slabs etc.) are usually displayed on top views.
The height of the elements is set in a specific dialog box using reference levels.
The reference levels are assigned to the levels of the buildings.

How is the height of structural elements defined

Reference levels are defined for each level of the building. Right-click on the desired level and go to the "Properties" tab in the dialog box.
Insert the height of the level in the "Elevation" field.

How is the height of structural elements defined

The height of the structural element is set in the "Properties" dialog box of each structural element.
In the following example, the height of a wall is set:

How is the height of structural elements defined

The upper level and the lower level of the element can be set in relation to:

  • The upper level
  • The lower level
  • The absolute value of the height

How is the height of structural elements defined

Height settings for various structural elements

How is the height of structural elements defined
How is the height of structural elements defined
How is the height of structural elements defined

Particularities for the roof level

Suppose that you wish to set the distance between the structural element and the roof.
You can either bind all elements to a specific roof level (of course, there can be overlappings), or you can create several roof levels with different reference heights (like in the above figure).

How is the height of structural elements defined

To superimpose the same roof levels at different heights, you need to define for each height a specific group.
You can set the group and the height in the "Properties" dialog box or on the Smartbar.
If you want to modify the group later, there must be no element connected with this level.

The steps are:

  • Create roof level A.
  • Copy and insert roof A (the two roof levels will be directly on top of each other).
  • Click on one of the roof levels and modify on the Smartbar the settings for "group" and for "height".

How is the height of structural elements defined

The result:

How is the height of structural elements defined