
For the situation when a list is too long and cannot be positioned on only one drawing, Advance Concrete provides the option to split the list into pages with the automatic renumbering of each one.
For this example we will consider the following list.

How is a list split into pages

How is a list split into pages

How is a list split into pages

From "Advance List" select the "Split to pages" option and click on the list.

How is a list split into pages

After selecting the list, the page configuration window appears.

You can define the page layout: horizontal or vertical layout.
The plotting scale can also be modified according to your preference. (The scale will be a percentage of the page width.)

If the list needs to be in the detailing drawing select "OK" and the list will be split into pages in the same drawing.

By selecting "Horizontal layout" the pages will be positioned one next to the other.

How is a list split into pages

By selecting "Vertical layout" the pages will be positioned one below the other.

How is a list split into pages

How is a list split into pages

If you want the list to be placed with a different page format use the "Create layout" option and modify the plot style.

To customize the plot style (page format, orientation vertical or horizontal, frame) use the "Plot Style" option. You can choose your required page format.

How is a list split into pages