
If you need to design a more complex section that is not in the libraries or cannot be defined by the tools already available in Advance Design, you can use the section calculation program.

We will design a section consisting of two welded "L" profiles, one symmetric 80x80x8mm and one asymmetric 40x52x4mm.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

It is best, if possible, to separate the shape into simpler geometrical forms, as in this example, into four rectangles.
The command can be accessed from the Edit - Used cross sections menu.
In the Description of defined geometries window click Add - User - User Sections - USER - Modify - Add.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

Next, select the added section entitled "UserSection1" and click the "Calculate" button.
The section calculation program will open. Select the existing shape and delete it.

There are two methods to define the geometry of the section:

1. Draw the section defining the coordinates of each point of the shapes.
2. Import a DXF file.

1. Draw the section defining the coordinates of each point of the shapes:

Change the measurement units for lengths to millimeter, and then customize the grid by selecting Options - Grid from the menu or by pressing Ctrl+G. In the "Display parameters" window change the Origin, Pitch size and number of pitches.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

On the "Generate" toolbar click the "Create an arbitrary contour" button and in the "Properties" window select the material type to use. In this example, "Steel" will be used.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

Next, place the first point of the first contour at the origin of the axes and continue placing points with the help of the intermediate coordinates on the left and bottom of the drawing area. Validate the input by pressing "Enter". Repeat these steps to define the other three contours.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

All the contours are in the Pilot, and using the properties window you can change the material, add reinforcements for concrete and change the position of the sections.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

2. Import a DXF file:

The command can be accessed from the File - Import DXF menu.

NOTE: To successfully import the file, if it was saved with AutoCAD, it should be saved as the "AutoCAD R12/LT2 DXF " file type.

After the import, select in the window the units for measuring the lengths in the imported DXF and click "OK".
In the next window, select the materials for the sections.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

Select "Assign this material to all contours of this type". If this option is not selected the program can assign a different material to each of the contours.

From the menu select Analyze - Calculate, and the "Results" window will appear along with the calculated section's characteristics.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

Close the window. An export to Advance Design confirmation box will appear. Select "Yes", and in the next window you can review the section's characteristics and modify them if needed, and click "OK".

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program

The program will return to Advance Design at the "Description of defined geometries" window. Select the defined section and click the "Import" button.

How is a user-defined section designed using the calculation program