
Setting up Separate Profiles for Advance Steel and AutoCAD

If you use both Advance Steel and vanilla AutoCAD (or any other AutoCAD-based vertical), you may have run into an issue where AutoCAD looks towards the Advance Steel template location after being in Advance Steel. Even when you re-path to the AutoCAD template location, it always seems to point back to the Advance Steel template location the next time you run AutoCAD.

How to set bar cutting data?

In order to be able to properly work in the two programs, you can create separate profiles for Advance Steel and AutoCAD and set their desktop icons to run them along with their respective templates.

Type in OPTIONS in the command line and go to the Profiles Tab. Click on “Add to List” to create a profile. I have created AS and ACAD for the Advance Steel and AutoCAD profile names, respectively.

How to set bar cutting data?

Close out of AutoCAD. Right click on the AutoCAD desktop icon and select Properties. Under the Shortcut tab, you will need to add the profile (/p “[profile name]”) and template location (/t “[template file path]”) in Target.

Example: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2017\acad.exe" /p "ACAD" /t "C:\Users\sli.TCAD\AppData\Local\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2017\R21.0\enu\Template\acad.dwt"

Be sure to include the necessary spaces and quotation marks. Hit Apply and OK afterwards.

How to set bar cutting data?

Do the same for the Advance Steel desktop icon:

How to set bar cutting data?

Example Target: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Advance Steel 2017\Common\Bin\AdvanceSteelLauncher.exe" /p "AS" /t "C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Advance Steel 2017\Shared\Support\Templates\ASTemplate.dwt"

AutoCAD and Advance Steel should now point to their appropriate template locations when started from their desktop icons.

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