
The available gusset connections from Advance Design Steel Connection are: Gusset plate at one diagonal; Gusset plate two diagonals and Gusset plate three diagonals.

How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?

This document exemplifies a Gusset plate two diagonals connection.

When creating a Gusset plate two diagonals connection, the default sections used for the connected elements are: IPE 400 for the main beam and L100x10 for the two secondary beams. The two secondary beams are angled at 45 degrees. All the connected element sections are created after the weight center axis and all the axes are in the same plane. The gusset plate is welded on the main beam web and the secondary beams are bolted to the gusset plate.

The gusset plate can be connected to the web or to one of the main beam flanges.

If connecting the gusset to the main beam web, the gusset plate can be welded directly to the main beam web or it can be welded to a perpendicular steel plate. The plate is welded or bolted to the main beam web, as can be seen in the picture:

How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?

The option to use the perpendicular plate welded to the gusset plate is found in the properties window of the joint on the End plate page:

How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?

The gusset plate can be also connected to one of the main beam flanges. In order to create this type of connection, the position of the secondary beams must be changed. The secondary beams position is modified on the property page Support Beams by changing the value for the 4.Offset Y parameter.

In order to place the gusset plate over the main beam flange, the secondary beams must be offset with 238.2mm. This value represents the sum of half of the main beam section height (200mm), the distance from the secondary beam weight center axis and the section edge, in contact with the gusset plate (28.2mm) and the gusset plate thickness (10mm). The sign is inserted in order to define the offset direction.

How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?

The connection type for the gusset must be set to welds or bolts and welds. This option is on the Connection gusset properties page:

For a bolted connection between the gusset and the main beam, the Connection Type must be set to Bolts:

How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?

For a welded connection between the gusset and the main beam, the Connection Type must be set to Welds and Bolts and the number of bolts must be set to 0:

How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?

The gusset plate can also be connected perpendicularly to the main beam flange. In order to create this connection type, the main beam must be rotated 90 degrees around its longitudinal axis from the initial position. This is done on the properties page of the beam, Support Beams, by inserting the value 0 for the 1.Angle around axis parameter.

How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?

The gusset plate connection with the main beam flange can be made by welding it direct to the flange or by welding it to a plate and the plate can be bolted or welded to the main beam flange.

How can a gusset be connected to a main beam?

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