
The standard path for the layout elements (layout frame, title block, additional information etc.) is:

- For Win XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Graitec\AdvanceConcrete\2010\Support\Sample\Document

- For Win Vista / Windows 7:

This folder contains some examples of layout frames and title blocks.
User-defined title blocks and frames can be saved in any folder. When creating a layout style in Advance Concrete, the program will first open the above folder for the selection of the layout elements.

Layout definition

In the Pilot select "Documents". Then, right-click the "Layout" folder and select "Create layout..." from the context menu:

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

The layout properties dialog box appears.
The different layout styles available in Advance Concrete that can be used for the layout creation are listed.
You can apply different templates, corresponding, for instance, to the paper format.

To create a new layout style, click "New...":

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

The following dialog box contains the settings for the newly created layout style, "Presentation 1". You can set the paper format, the title blocks and the frames.
Click the "Modify the format and the printer..." button.

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

Set the appropriate printer and paper format.
If necessary, you can select an additional plot style table. Make sure that the drawing orientation is set to "Landscape".

Close the window by clicking "OK" and return to the previous window.

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

In the "Properties Presentation 1" dialog box you can see on the upper left side the modified printer and paper format.
Select the "Frames and bending lines" and "Title blocks" options. The How are user-defined title blocks and frames used buttons on the right side of the options will be enabled.

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

Click the How are user-defined title blocks and frames used button on the right side of the "Frames and bending lines" option.
In the following dialog box click "Add..." and select the desired .dwg file.
Load the file with "Open" and close the window with "OK".

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

In the "Properties Presentation 1" dialog box the frames will be visible in the preview mode.

Next, click the How are user-defined title blocks and frames used button on the right side of the "Title blocks" option.

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

Click "Add..." and select the desired title block.
Load the title block by clicking "Open" and close the dialog box with "OK".

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

The result will be displayed in the preview window.
Close the dialog box with "OK" and confirm the query with "Yes" so that all modifications made on the existing layouts (using this style) can be applied.

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

Next, the newly created layout style will be set as the current style. Click "Define current...".
The style should have a specific name. Click "Rename..." and enter the desired name.

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

Finally, a new layout is created with the created template. Insert the layout name in the corresponding field and close the dialog box with "OK".

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

The final layout, without any content:

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

Modifying the layout definition

Right-click on a layout in the Pilot and select "Properties..." from the context menu:

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

In the following window select the layout style and click "Modify...". Make the modifications like described for the layout creation.

How are user-defined title blocks and frames used

Creating other layouts

In the Pilot select "Documents", right-click on the "Layout" folder and select "Create layout..." from the context menu.
Insert a name for the layout, check the layout style and set, if necessary, another layout style as the current one.
Confirm with "OK" and the new layout with frames and title block will appear in the Pilot and will be displayed on the monitor.

Transferring a layout style on another computer

By clicking "Save..." you can save a layout style in a file and transfer it on another computer.
By clicking "Open..." you can read the exported layout style on the target computer.

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