In order to use the orientation marks we need to:

1. Create the compass in the model.

How are orientation marks used

The compass can be created in the XY plane corresponding to the current position of the UCS. The compass can be moved using the grip points. You can define its orientation in its properties window. Only one compass can be added to a model.

How are orientation marks used

2. For main part / single part details, you need to activate the compass from the advance view settings. These settings are available in the detail drawing and can also be configured in the current drawing style.

a. Configuring the drawing style
  • Open Drawing Style Manager and select the style to which the compass will to be added.
  • Select one of the views and then open the Compass position tab. You can define the compass display in the details created by this style. You can also define the compass position (to the four corners) and the compass representation (arrow or symbol).
  • How are orientation marks used

b. Adding the orientation mark on the detail drawing.
  • Right click on a detail and choose "Advance View".
  • Select the Orientation tab and check "Show compass". You can also define the compass position and representation.
  • How are orientation marks used

3. To show the compass in an overview drawing, you need to:
  • Open the Drawing Style Manager and select a view detail.
  • Go to "Object presentation" and add a new presentation.
  • In the "Selected model objects", click on "Rename model object" and enter the name "Compass".
  • In the model object list, select "Compass". Set the model role to "All model roles" and the filter to "None".
  • Define the Presentation as "Symbol".
  • How are orientation marks used

  • Using the "Compass position in overviews" options, you can define the corner where the symbol is placed.
  • How are orientation marks used

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