Weight calculation

I. Straight beams:

1. Standard weight:

We calculate the standard weight as follows:

G = L * mweight,
where L is the length of the beam calculated as the difference between the extreme points of the beam body along the direction of the beam axis, taking into account all features except holes.

mweight = wpm * mg / pg
wpm is the weight per meter, taken from the profile table in AstorProfiles.mdb if present (the area value must also be filled in and greater than 0.1 in order for the weight per meter value to be considered), or calculated by Advance Steel as the area of the profile simple section (without radii) * pg * 1000.

Exception: for user profiles, wpm is always calculated by Advance Steel as the area of the profile exact section (with radii) * pg *1000.

mg is the specific gravity of the material, taken from the Material table in AstorBase.mdb.
pg is the specific gravity for the profile, taken from the ProfileMasterTable table in AstorProfiles.mdb. If not present or less than 1e-15, it is taken as the specific gravity of the material "St37".

Exception: Haunches
A beam is considered as a haunch if:
- the model role is "Haunch"
- it has an I profile;
- it doesn't have any 3d cuts (contours and / or end notches).

For haunches, the weight is calculated as follows:

G = Lh * mweight, where
Lh = S - h / 2 * tan(a)
S is the saw length of the beam.
h is the profile height.
a is the largest angle formed by a saw plane with the beam web (less than PI / 2).
mweight is calculated as above.

2. Exact weight:

The exact weight is calculated as follows:
Gx = V * wpm, where
V is the volume of the beam body, all features considered.
wpm = mweight / A
mweight is calculated as above.
A is the section area, calculated by Advance Steel from the exact section (with arcs).

II. Curved beams

1. Standard weight:

The standard weight for curved beams is computed as follows:
G = L * mweight, where
L is the length between the extreme points of the beam body (all features except holes considered) along the beam physical arc (offset taken into account)
mweight is calculated as above.

2. Exact weight:

The exact weight for curved beams is computed as follows:
Gx = G0 - Vf * wpm, where
G0 = L0 * mweight
L0 is the length between the extreme points of the beam body (no features taken into account) along the beam physical arc (offset taken into account)
Vf = Vwof - Vwf
Vwof is the volume of the beam body without taking into account any feature.
Vwf is the volume of the beam body with all features taken into account.
For both Vwof and Vwf we take the body with a very fine discretization, in order to minimize its effects.
wpm = mweight / A
mweight is calculated as above.

A is the section area, taken from the profile table in AstorProfiles.mdb if present and greater than 0.1, or calculated by Advance Steel from the simple section (without radii). Exception: for user profiles it is always calculated by Advance Steel from the exact section (with radii).

III. Plates

1.Standard weight:

The standard weight for plates is calculated as follows:
G = A * t * mg, where
A is the plate area, calculated according to the default "CalcMethod", as follows:
if CalcMethod is 1, A is the area of the smallest enclosing rectangle; the rectangle is calculated on the plate body taking into account all features, except holes;
if CalcMethod is 2, A is the area calculated on the plate body without inner features;
if CalcMethod is 3, A is the area calculated on the plate body taking into account all features, except holes;
if CalcMethod is 4, A is the area calculated on the hull body of the plate.
t is the plate thickness.
mg is the specific gravity of the material, taken from the Material table in AstorBase.mdb.

2.Exact weight:

The exact weight for plates is calculated as follows:
Gx = V * mg, where
V is the volume of the plate body, taking into account all features.
mg is the specific gravity of the material, taken from the Material table in AstorBase.mdb.

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