Posted Thu, 05 Mar 2015 07:02:27 GMT by
We have a compound beam ( I - section) made out of flats.
In the BOM on the assembly drawing it shows blank in the
profile section, why is this?

Attachment: [S] - SS-M1056 () 01.rar

Posted Fri, 13 Mar 2015 22:48:50 GMT by Janet Black Graitec Inc. Advance Steel Specialist

Hi Clinton,

Advance Steel allows the user to choose the behavior of a compound profile such as split profiles.

The default is that the compound profiles behave as one profile. This behavior is available in lists, drawings and numbering.

During numbering, the compound profiles in Advance Steel behave in 2 ways:

1.     As one profile (compound profile) and it will have one number.

The behavior as one profile involves receiving a single part mark number (1002) and an assembly number (2). The single part number will appear in lists and drawings as the number of the compound profile. Also the representation type of the compound profile must be "Complete".

2.     As split profiles - depending on the number of profiles that define the compound section - 2, 3, 4, etc.


The behavior as split profiles involves that the numbering proceeds as follows: each one of the profiles that define the compound section will receive a single part number and the same number for the assembly mark. For example, the assembly number is 1 and the single part numbers are 1000 and 1001. Also the representation type of the compound profile must be "Separated". 

See attached PDF for more info. 

Are you using the BOM Editor to create your lists. Is it list on drawings. Try and modify your tokens in the report content to get your desired results. You could try and create a new extract.

If you have any further questions please contact support . It would be my pleasure to d a gotomeeting with you.

Best regards,


Attachment: BEAM-Compound Profile behavior during numbering.pdf

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