
In order to simulate the membrane effect in a structure in Advance Design, “DOF (Degree of freedom) constraint” object can be used with the Tx and Ty translations restrained.  DOF constraint object is also named as Master-Slave connection.
The command can be found in “Objects” ribbon tab:

DOF constraint localization

Figure 1 DOF constraint localization


The following properties regarding restraints definition are defined for the “DOF constraint” (Master-Slave connection):

DOF constraint properties

Figure 2DOF constraint properties


For example, the response of the DOF constraint is compared with the response of a membrane in a simple 3D structure subjected to lateral loads. In this model, the elements’ self-weight is not considered.
    DOF constraint model view
Figure 3DOF constraint model view

    Membrane model view
Figure 4Membrane model view

Since the master-slave connection imposes to all component nodes the same DOF restraints (translations/rotations), the master node can be placed anywhere on the perimeter. In order to simulate the same response, the nodes must be placed on the same position as the mesh nodes of the membrane:

DOF constraint mesh view

Figure 5DOF constraint mesh view


Membrane mesh view

Figure 6Membrane mesh view
The similar response of the two objects (master slave connection with Tx and Ty translations restrained and membrane) can be verified by comparing the results of the FEM analysis:

Displacements comparison between the two models

Figure 7Displacements comparison between the two models


Axial force comparison between the two models

Figure 8Axial force comparison between the two models


Bending moments on columns comparison between the two models

Figure 9Bending moments on columns comparison between the two models


Bending moments on beams comparison between the two models

Figure 10Bending moments on beams comparison between the two models

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